Tale #59 - The Tale of Projects
Hi, all!
Still having troubles working with posting graphics here. So no art today. But I am going to mention a project cancellation. I'm cancelling "Schrute!" right now. I know it seems odd and unusual to cancel a project so early (This is very VERY rare of me to do this), but there's a very good reason for this: Both "Schrute!" and "I Am Chef" are both games and I have my own personal rule regarding game and game projects - never do two games at once unless absolutely nessisary. Not that I don't take on two games at once while freelancing, but for personal projects I tend to have a different rule set that I go by so it doesn't interfear with anything. If I tackled two personal game projects at once, both games will suffer in quality. With both freelance and personal projects, I like keeping a high level of quality. I don't like doing anything subpar. So doing one game at a time for a personal project dodges this problem. So that brings me to the second reason why I picked "I Am Chef" as the game I wanted to work on was because there was more orginality to it and offered the most flexibility in where I can use it... as in portfolio wise. (TOAMG is a "blogfolio" as it's a means to show off my best portfolio work.... but it's what I call a "loose-style" blogfolio meaning that it loosly follows the guidelines for a blogfolio. "Strict-style" is a blogfolio that follows the guidelines to the letter. I'll cover this more in "Blogfolio Power Tips II." )
So anyways, I don't have much else to bring up right now with my art posting ability being well... a little limited right now. So I'll see you all later!