Friday, October 5, 2007

Tale #54 - The Tale Of The Living Cartoon

Hi, all!

Okay... today's bit of life news will take the form of a comic.... more like my life as a living cartoon. All these sketches were done extremely quickly. More like under 15 seconds for each one and none of them were created to be a master piece. They're just here to illustrate the story in a very witty way. Observe!

Now just to start you off at the begiining of the story....

This is me. Or more like me with long hair, me with short hair (I actually have it that way right now) and my character, Kam Steele who frequently cameos as my avitar. So for this story she will, as she usually does, be my avitar.

Anyways, as you're all well aware, I'm a free lance graphic designer who's dying to get in to the media industry doing... well... anything I can get my hands on. Unfortunately, freelancing here locally isn't doing too well. Actually, not well at all. The only other reason why I'm doing it now is so that I can gain experiance to put on my resume (XP level up!). However in order to keep this going, I had to get a better paying job. So I applied to everything I could think of!

Until one day.....

... I managed to get one. It was a storefront position at a local restauarnt. I figured since it was storefront, it was just cashiering which is something I can do.

So on the first day, I went to training....

At training, we got our uniforms (we wear these visor things) and were watching videos. I wasn't 100% sure what to expect until it came to the END of the video.

I had never anticipated this at all....

.... I HAD TO BE ABLE TO COOK! I never expected this at all when I applied! I mean it was just a storefront cashiering position which seemed like a non-cooking position. Oh! And no where in the job description did it ever mention I'd be cooking anyways. Even in the job interview, the only time they ever alluded to it was when they asked "Can you follow instructions?" What do you say to that? "No, I am so disobediant that I'll deliberately not follow instructions and just for the heck of it, switch your morning coffees around for decaf, put clear nail polish all over your pens and to top it off - switch the "N" and the "M" around on your keyboard!" Of course I can follow instructions! It's one of those things where you sorta have to to get by in life at times. So I answered "yes" to that question. But that's all they alluded to it. So how did cooking come in to play with cashiering? Well... if they're short-staffed in their kitchens or if it's just too crazy in there, they'll occasionally call upon storefront to help with the cooking. And just for the record, I NEVER lied anywhere in the interviews or my applications about my skill set. But they said that they were desperate for people to come in on weekends.

Now for those of you who don't know.... I can't cook. I've got knocking stuff over in the kitchen to a science. Matter of fact, I'm usually the one who gets chased out of the kitchen! So what do I do?

Well... try to find some way of learning to cook. Unfortunately, the nearest cooking rat is in Paris and that's just too damned expensive. Cockroaches are probably way better at EATING the food. And in case you're wondering.... bananas can't cook either.

So I'm running out of options. What do I do?

Teach myself to cook. Fortunately, I haven't been called upon to cook, so that gives me time to learn and figure out what the heck I'm doing before someone figures out what my cooking skills really are like. So I'm teaching myself how to do it in any way I can and fortunately, I have my family to help me "test" my creations (as in eating them. XD ) So far, I've managed my first culinary achievement - baking a cake! For me, that's major. So hopefully I can move forward and learn a new set of non-computer skills.

So there ends The Living Cartoon. And yes, this IS a real story. Not one bit of it is fake. So now you have some funny story to enjoy and some insight in to my new experiment and my new adventure.

.....the drama continues! XD

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