Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tale #48 - The Tale of kPod and Other Stuff

Hi, all!

Anyways, just as a little tidbit here: I think I'll be making the sketch-of-the-day as more like sketch-of-the-WEEK because of the amount of work that got dumped on me which is making it a challenge to find time to sketch and to scan it in to show you guys. So I'm sorry about that! But I'll try to make up for it on Fridays... I PROMISE!

Anyways, now a look at other things. Well... for starters, I finally finished off jPod. You know you're a major geek if you understood 95% of the geekisms in there and unfortunately, I do. XD Now I want to pick up Mircoserfs next. XD But anyways, I have to say that I did enjoy it. So yeah.... that's what I was reading when I wasn't cracking open the textbooks.

The other thing that happened to me in that time was I finally met my Sketching teacher for Sketch Class. Well... actually, the class's name is "Contemporary Aboriginal Art." But that's a major misnomer. You see, it's actually a traditional art class that teaches traditional art (EI: sketching nudes, working on charcoal portrates... ect). So why is it called ABORIGINAL art? Well... that's where all the wackyness kicks in. You see.... it's an Aboriginal TEACHER teaching the art. So he would joke and call the class "Contemporary Aboriginal Art." But since then, the joke kinda stuck and it's now become the actual name of the course.

But anyways, on to the main story. The teacher is a really smart guy. He's someone who thinks story and art should go hand-in-hand but he also has a broad view of what art is. Some of the stuff we got talking about was extremely interesting from the role of digital art to the Great Masters to well... anything art and story related under the sun. But then he asked me to bring one of my filled sketchbooks in to next class. That night, however, I had thought ahead of time and brought some of my sketchbooks along because I thought that we needed them to sketch in. So I showed that to him. He had a good look through it before I got questioned like crazy. I really wasn't expecting that! Like he asked me "How did you come up with your art style?" "How did you come up with your ideas?" "Where do you get your inspiration?" and so forth. He really liked what he saw in there (And just so you know, what he saw in the sketchbooks was what I posted here on TOAMG. So you've got that for referance.) And he just wanted to find out all about how I work on my stuff and everything. He was very happy with what he saw that class. So I'm going to take a guess here that I'm definately on the right track.

Anyways, I've got to get to class! I'll see you all later!

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