Monday, June 25, 2007

Tale #13 - The Tale Of Owed Sketches

Hi, all!

Anyways, before the daily sketches, I wanna let you guys know something. (And I totally know you're all out there! You can be as quiet as mice, but I know you're there still! XD ) What I wanna point out was that I've updated my link list. Yeah... okay... so I'd usually ask if you wanna be linked or not, but this time I'm going to try something a little different and link up first and ask questions later and see how that one goes for a while. So if you're on the list, awesome! If you're not and you'd like to be, PLEASE submit a comment on this blog. I mean seriously, you guys are a quiet bunch!

Anyways, on to the daily sketches:

Scotty Dog

The Blue Colar Rabit

Lou The Happy Trucker

So the story behind all these drawings? Well... I didn't exactly go on a roadtrip, but we did drive around out in the bushy areas of the city. Yeah... lots of bush out there. XD But anyways since I wasn't driving this time and someone else was, I just started drawing and sketching away for a little bit and these are what came out. I finished off Lou at the end of the drive after seeing all these huge semi-haulers around and using the highways. The truckers and other travalers tend to use our city as a short cut in order to get to other places like Winnipeg, Manitoba or Duluth, Minnistota or something. XD

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