Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tale #5 - The Tale Of Toons

Hi, all!

Not much going on today. And ditto goes for the artworld. But I do have a little bit of Photography. Yeah! That's right! Drawings and sketches arn't the only thing I do; I do photography as well! So you guys are getting a wee bit of a mix bag today! OBSERVE!

Geese Sitting By A Lake

Geese Sitting By A Lake II

Geese Sitting By A Lake III

Geese Swimming

Ah yes! Beloved Canadian icons. Now all these were taken by my friend's camera which is not my usual camera for this kind of photography (My camera is a Canon Rebel EOS - 2006 model ). My friend had an old Fuji FinePix which only allowed shooting up to about 3 megapixels. But because we had a small card, we could only do .3 megapixels. Anyways, I saw some geese near by a lake and I thought I could take some awesome pictures of them. So here I am creeping through the reeds and things to get a better shot because the zoom on our camera wasn't that great. Now as I was getting closer, at a certain point, the geese saw me but stayed still and didn't seemed all that bothered. By the time I got about five feet away, several things came to mind. One of those things was that I was pretty damn sure that if I moved even an inch closer, they'd attack me, the feathers would fly, and I would be done for. You see, what most people are unaware of is how ornery Canadian geese can get. These guys can get pretty vicious. Oh! And you really shouldn't feed these guys either. They just get worse and they leave this geese guana mine field later which looks pretty much like someone let loose a thousand chiwawas everywhere! But thank god they didn't attack me at all. They were just used to humans was all that is was. They eventually got in to the water and swam away in the end calmly.

Steeleing 6: You're Crazy!

This is another "Steeleing 6" sketch. I can't help but to feel that I goofed up a few things here. It just doesn't seem intense enough. It sorta falls a bit short of what I originally had in mind.

Steeleing 6: A Monster's Life (SKETCH! WIP!)

In "Steeleing 6," this is the main character from "A Monster's Life." But he looked way better in my head than he did on paper. Right now he seems like Cookie Monster only with pants and some weird geek-gear on his head. So I'm definately thinking of changing the design and making him much more bear-like instead. I also STILL don't have a name for this guy.

Anyways, I'll see you all later!

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