Friday, June 29, 2007

Tale #20 - The Tale Of Rodent And Ninjas

Hi, all!

I guess it's no big secret that a certain 3D animated rodent/cooking themed movie is comming out today. So I'm going out this weekend to see it. But here's what I've been hearing - the movie is out on the P2P networks already. I also had the chance to read this quote by Brad Bird and he totally sounded angry about this. So I decided based on that, to do a bit of public service today and give a bit of a helping hand. So to those under the age of 10yrs in this audience, please AVERT YOUR EYES OR FACE NINJA FILLED HORROR! YOU KNOW HOW THEY LOVE TO FLIP OU! EEEEIIII! To the rest of you, please click and READ!




..... yes. Ninjas WILL hunt you down if you do that. Besides, you know Ninjas always win over pirates. So please, think of the artists and other media geeks out there who are suffering at the hands of these pastey rum-filled evil doers and DON'T pirate cool movies.

And that's today's public service thingy. Oh! And to those under the age of 10, you can stop averting your eyes now. Why? Because the daily sketches are comming up RIGHT NOW!

It's a set of nicely EVIL eyes LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU! EEEEIIII!

Okay... the rooster was very spontanious. But hey, it's about time I drew some avian creatures!

Another Steeleing 6 sketch of Kam Steele. She looks kinda bored. XD

Beware! It's the strange looking tree from the 50s/60s! Actually, it looks more like a circuit board tree. You know.... a CircutTree! Okay.... yeah... that was bad. XD

And in celebration of a certain rodent themed cooking movie, I came up with a few rodent-type critters of my own!


Aww.... aren't they cute? Don't you wanna pick them up and pet them? Sure you do! Who wouldn't?

Anyways, it's Canada Day weekend and I may not be able to upload any sketches during that time. But I will on tuesday! Promise! And to all of you - HAPPY CANADA DAY ON JULY 1ST! ^^

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