Tale #3 - The Tale Of The Chocolate Factory
Hi, all!
Anyways, I see you're all much more interested in viewing my blogger profile than the actual blog itself. Eh? I'm royally confused. Is my profile really that interesting? ^^; You've gotta tell me what it is because I'm getting way more hits on my profile than my blog! Je suis perdu! Aiii! XD
Well... on to the sketches of the day and I've got a huge sketch dump for you along with a nice little supprise! BEHOLD!
Just a Raptor done in the fusion style. And incase you're wondering, that's NOT hair.... it's stylized feathers! ^^;
These are just some random doodles.
These are just abandoned costume designes from a now defunked project.
Another random sketchbook page. WARNING! Some of these sketches are dead horrible. The proportioning and characterization is off in quite a few of them. ^^;;
Just a Greek Guy I sketched once.
A Stylized Canadian shield logo. I based this off a logo I saw on a beer can I saw.
He's just a random characterization sketch. I called him "Sargee." ^^
This is an Asian ink drawing I did of one of my cats. I saw her curled up on the chair next to me, so I drew her.
This is yet another random sketch page. I was practising characterization again.
Believe me when I say the man has NOTHING to do with that pencil. I was just practising characters again. ^^;;
This is a character from another project I'm working on. However, I am going to say that the details of this project are top secret for now. ^^; So SHHH! No telling! XD
This is a very special sketch to me because I drew this on the day a fourlegged family member died. She was with me for almost my entire life and she was always young at heart no matter how old she became. She was always happy and carefree. I don't think I could have asked for anything better. Her name is Checkers and this is what she looked like. I still miss her quite a fair bit.
This is a characterization of a certain Pixar dude that we all know - John Lassater. He's an awesome storyteller. I really like how he tells stories and well... I've always wanted to tell stories just as well. It's because of people like him, I always try to strive and move that much farther in the way I tell stories and the way I draw. I've always grown up with a pencil in hand and a story in my head. But when I see his work, I'm pretty much like "Yeah. I wanna get as good as that!" So I keep practising and try to get better. As far as this picture goes, it's also practise but also a nod to him as well.
What's all this about, you might ask? Well! It's for a new project, "Steeleing 6." So here's the info:
Sixair has always been described as being like Wonka's Chocolate Factory, but what if it really was? Meet Kamron "Kam" Steele, a 23 year-old media artist who's currently on the hunt for a new job when she mysteriously recieves a free 1 day pass to Sixair Studios in the mail. Having always wanted to see Sixair, Kam makes the trip to Annieville to follow up on this once in a lifetime opportunity. When she gets through those doors, she discovers how accurate people are in describing what Sixair is really like.
And here's some extras:
- For some reason, every media related buisness she's gone to always seems to go under within just a few months of hiring and it's not even her fault! So since the industry is very small, word gets around pretty fast about how unlucky she is. So as to why Sixair gave her the pass remains a mystery.
- Can be a little skeptical at times.
- She's also quite talented as a storyteller and artist, but even with that, she'll admit that she's got a lot to learn.
- Based very loosly off myself. There's lots of stuff that she does that I won't do. XD LOL!
- The head of Sixair studios.
- Never seems to get angry or upset. He's quite jovial and is often seen in some crazy costume or outfit.
- Has lots of action figures on his desk.
- I picture him being voiced by Adam West for some reason. XD LOL!
- His name is actually a merger of John Lasseter's and E. Catmull's names who are at Pixar.
- It's an animation studio that's produced a lot of hit films.
- Seems to have an unusual magical quality about it. (More unusual than you think!)
- The main building is in Annieville, USA.
- Sixair is based off of Pixar. However, Sixair's main production facillity is much larger.
- Their main logo is an old school cell phone.
- Annieville, USA is loosely based off of Emmeryville.
- On Sixair's main turf is several swimming pools, dorms, a few small corner stores, a post office, a miniputt course, a gocart course, a coffee shop, the cafeteria, a huge hedge maze (Heaven forbid if you get lost in there!), a few arcades, pool tables, air hockey tables, a few Wintenda Xii 60 consols, a bowling alley, a huge sound and animation studio, and other major production studios involved in the film making process. It's often said you can practically live at the main facility.
- Several of Sixair's movies include: Monster Trucks (2006), A Doll Story (1995), A Monster's Life (1999), Citrouille (2007).
- It's extremely hard to get a 1-day pass at Sixair. You often have to be wealthy, from a sister studio, or something quite special to get one. You also have to sign a non-disclosure statement. Why? Let's just say things get really interesting in there!
- I've always heard of Pixar being described as Wonka's Factory, so I figured "why not put together a short story about it?" So Steeleing 6 was born. The story is a fun, wacky, lighthearted, playful take on what people say about the real Pixar (And why they have those "non-disclosure statements.")
- Steeleing 6 is playing a little bit off of Kam's last name and the "Six" in Sixair.
- I'm still debating weither or not I should model any of the buildings or achietcure in this comic in 3D. 3D buildings are a hell of a lot faster for me to do than if I drew them. So I'm sorta leaning towards a 3D solution here.
Anyways, I'm still working on the comic pages and the artwork involved for this. Oh! And if there's anyone interested in helping out with the project or even quite possibly get a camio, please speak up! That's why this blog has comments enabled for! XD
Anyways, see you all later!
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