Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tale #18 - The Tale Of Programmers

Hi, all!

Today instead of sketches, you're all in for a very special treat! What is that treat, you might ask? What if I told you it was these very sweet and tasty fortune cookies I made? What if I also said that if you tried them, you'd never gain any weight again and they've got no callories or bad transfats? Well.... they do exsist and I've created them! OBSERVE!

Ta da! The perfectly healthy digital fortune cookies! Anyways, this is something I programmed in Flash 8 and had a bit of fun with. All the graphics that are in this are completely done by me by hand. That includes the dragon watermark. ^^

So now do you wanna play with it? Well since I can't post it in the blog directly, I'll just give you the geocities link to it instead - Eat up!

Oh... if you're wondering about how it runs under the hood, it's using XML to generate the fortunes. ^^

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