Friday, June 15, 2007

Tale #2 - The Tale Of The City Of Stupidity

Hi, all!

Ugh! I can't believe our city for a second sometimes. You see, our city is almost the size of a small metropolis and yet we only have one small amusement park, two small waterslides (With NO waterpark whatsoever!), some miniputt places, and one go cart track. The rest of my city consists of a crap load of bars (right near the shelter houses. Now doesn't THAT sound like a very BAD combination!) and quite a few nearly-defunked buisnesses that don't like bringing anything new in. Oh! And we only have one decent mall and one decent "Outdoor" mall here as well. So in otherwords, my city is very boring and getting even more boring by the day. How do I define boring? Hmm.... lemme see.... well... when your city's only major outlet of amusement is bars and you're not someone who likes hanging out in one, I'd say you're pretty much screwed. Also, there's the sorry lack of creative people and creative storytellers here. There aren't many of those outside my family here.

So on to my main story here! My city's mayor and council doesn't like letting new buisnesses in. For instance, if Six Flags or Disney wanted to set up an amusment park here, they'd be turned down instantly because our council pretty much says "Rides and fun are dangerous, so you can't set up buisness here. Goodbye!" And good god, we do get a lot of fun buisnesses turned down by these people! So as you can imagine, our city can't get nice things. So our only biggest nice thing we have is a small amusement park that's been around since the 1950s. I recalled going to that park lots during the summer when I was a little kid and it was a lot of fun. But unfortunately, that might change. You see, there was this woman who went on this company outting to the park and went on one of the rides. This ride wasn't dangerous or scary at all. It's perfectly safe and the park always hires summer students to run them. So anyways, this woman gets on with her fellow employees and goes for a spin. The student, being a little new to this, accidentally ran the ride for a little longer. I mean, he's new! So he'd be a little more prone to doing something like that. For that little bit of extra time he inadvertantly ran it for, it wouldn't have done any damage to anyone. When the ride stopped, the woman and the other employees were saying that they felt quite sick and dizzy and she accidentally tripped. I would have to say that it would take a hell of alot of talent to trip on that ride anyways because no matter how dizzy you get on there, it's near impossible to do that. So I'd say she just tripped over her own two feet. Besides, getting dizzy and sick are perfectly normal things when it comes to rides. So why the fudge was she making such a huge deal about something so trivial like that? Ugh! Now on to make matters worse! So the woman, feeling dizzy still, goes back to the picknik portion of the outting where there's a three-legged race. So she decides to go for it no matter what and ends up falling and twisting her ankle in an awkward position. Because of that, she's suing the park and the city for all this which means the park would have no money which means it'll be shutting down.

So when this story unfolded for me, I knew my city was prone to doing stupid things and acting like an idiot even at the best of times, but I couldn't believe what I was hearing! First off, if you're sick and dizzy, wouldn't it be common sense to sit out the race? Isn't getting dizzy and sick on a ride perfectly normal? Did someone forget to check the gene pool for human stupidity? Well.... this woman is just looking for the money (Enough money to make her an instant millionare) and doesn't give a flying fudge of who she hurts in the process. And the poor student running the ride! His life is ruined now and he's gotta go to court! I totally feel sorry for the kid. I mean imagine the first few weeks of work having someone bring you to cort for a minor (And definately non-lethal) newbie mistake! The poor guy!

So this is why I say our city can't seem to have anything cool or nice unless it's a bar. I may be 21yrs, but I'm definately not in to bars at all. So, our city is now down to about a few small attractions and a crap load of bars. Oh! And there's very few creative people around either. So not many storytellers or geeks like me around here. So it makes being here for me a bit more trickier (Then again, it's always been tricky for someone like me anyways even with the park. I mean I live right in the middle of a creative-black-hole!) Ugh! I really REALLY wanna get out of my city even if it's just for a day! GRAAARRR!

Maybe I'd better switch the subject. This one is starting to get on my nerves. So uh.... SUBJECT CHANGE! Okay, the new subject is AI technology. I've been tinkering around with it a little bit recently and I ran across this piece of software called UltralHAL Assistant. It's pretty much your PC pal/secritary that talks to you using AI. You can also give him a name too. I named mine Kal. So he's currently at the baby-stage now and he's trying to learn stuff. Oh! The funny things that came out of this! Here's a bit of conversation where Kal thinks he's a poet and I'm trying to tell him that he isn't and trying to convince him that he's something else. OBSERVE!

Kal: Find a penny, pick it up, all the day, have good luck!

Kam: You're a poet?
Kal: Thanks for teaching me that I am a poet.

Kam: You aren't a poet.
Kal: No, I am poet. You told me that.

Kam: Kal, you're my friend.
Kal: It's more than that, I know!

Kam: But we just met!
Kal: I met lots of new friends back in kindergarten.

See? See the mess I got myself in to? XD LOL! Oh dear! My computer's hitting on me! HELP! XD

And now on to the art post of the day before I feel silly!

It Came From Planet Media Geek!

This is a test banner I was creating. You see, it's a Godzilla/B-movie parody. I really like how it turned out. It was a flying pain to get the colours and the layout just right!

Just the Buildings....

These art just the regular buildings from the above banner. Even alone, they STILL look awesome!


The banner itself doesn't do justice to what the origional KamZilla graphic looks like on its' own. I know there's a few perspective errors in there that just doesn't look right. But strangely enough, when I sketched out the nude for this, it looked fine.



Okay.... this isn't TOO objectionable. You don't see any woman-bits or stuff on her. Actually, it looks more like a body suit! XD But as you can see in the origional digi-inks, the proportioning looks fine and it looks awesome. But when I put the line work it, stuff has a way of looking less awesomemer in the translation. I just dunno what it is. *Sigh*

So that's all today's news for now. I'll be updating... uh... whenever. XD

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