Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tale #42 - The Tale of Flash Painting

Hi, all!

Anyways, on a bet with a friend, he bet that you could NOT paint in Flash. He said that you can paint in Photoshop, OpenCanvas, and Painter but NOT in Flash. So I set out to prove him wrong. This is a WIP, but so far this is what I have:

And here's a close up of my most fav part:

Now I bet you're probably guessing and think you already know who I was exactly referancing for this. But I'll tell you now that it isn't what you think. So what did I referance? Well... MYSELF! XD You see, I took my picture using one of the filters in Photo Booth on the Mac (Mac STILL doesn't have a name yet). I then created my characture from that. Well... it's not a TRUE characture because I definately DON'T look like that and last time I checked, I was definately a hell of a lot younger and perkyer looking, has hair, and is FEMALE. All I did was referance my own face for lighting and proportioning. After that, I just decided to have fun. I'm still working on him, but that's what he looks like. One of the things I spent the most time on in painting was the eyes. It's my most fav detail in the entire painting. There's a huge quality about it that just seems alive. It really does seem like he's looking at me. I have to say I'm impressed with the work I did so far.

And before I go, here's a look at the lineart just to show you how much of a major difference that painting it gave:

Anyways, I'm going to tell you guys again, I do NOT own a Cinque or anything fancy. Really! I totally don't! All this was done just using a mouse. Observe:

Here's the mouse that I use to do it. Nothing spectacular there, right?

And here's me working on it. I'm the goofy looking hand. XD

But yeah! That's my set up. Nothing fancy or anything. Just your ordinary laptop mouse and a little known program called "Flash." XD

So anyways, see you all later!

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