Friday, August 31, 2007

Tale #45 - The Tale of MacBooks

Hi, all!

Well.... yeah. This is two entries in a row for me, but I'm really excited about this next bit of news. I decided to cave in and finally get a MacBook. So I did. I picked it up today. I think I'm going to be using it for all my sketches from now on. Here's pictures of it:


XD Well.... I did say it was a MacBOOK but I didn't say what kind of BOOK it was! XD So yeah... I found some Mac decals and decided to have a little bit of fun with them. It resulted in this visual pun! XD I'm horrible, aren't I? Here I am giggling away like a 2nd grader over this. God! The weird things that crawl in to my head sometimes....

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